About Us

Our mission is to make and send disciples and churches who love, live and lead like Jesus.

Who We Are

We are a multinational, multicultural, multigenerational, non-denominational disciple making church. NU Church is committed to making and sending disciples and churches who love, live and lead like Jesus.

Our Foundational Pillars


We are a church who seeks to fulfill the Great Commandment found in Matthew 22:37-40. We are committed to loving God, and all our neighbors as ourselves.


We are a Great Commission Church as laid out in Matthew 28:18-20. We believe in living out the command and expectation of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. We do so by using His method of relational discipleship.

Servant Leadership

We value servant leadership. As we see in Mark 10:45, we follow Christ as He came not to be served but to serve.  We look to serve humbly in our home, church, and community.


Our obedience to God is our metric of success. We anticipate direction from God and simply want to express our love to Him through our obedience. Jesus says in John 14: 15, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” We know it is for us to obey and to trust God with the outcome. 

Where We Come From

Nations United Church was officially established with a core team of 15 committed church planting partners. NU Church, as Nations United Church is affectional known, held it’s first Core Team meeting on August 30, 2022 in the home of Pastor Derrick L. McNeil and his devoted wife and ministry partner, Angela.

God gave Pastor Derrick the call to plant His church on March 5, 2021. Pastor Derrick’s calling was given by God from the prophetic voice of Moses in Deuteronomy 1:6-8. The words, “You have dwelt long enough at this mountain, turn and take your journey…” were amazing and surreal, but unmistakably clear. Out of obedience, Pastor Derrick informed Pastor Bob Reed, his lead pastor at CyLIfe Church, of the call. Pastor Bob affirmed the call and set in motion steps leading to a glorious church wide send off from CyLIfe Church on August 28, 2022.  Soon after, Michael B. McMahon joined Pastor Derrick as the Associate Minister of Nations United Church.

Where We’re Headed
Where We’re Headed

Nations United is changing the world by following the simple Kingdom model Jesus laid out: Making and sending disciples and churches who love, live and lead like Him. Everything we do points back to the lost coming to know Jesus, disciples growing to be more like Him, and going into the world to make disciples of all Nations using His methods.

Meet Our Team

Lead Pastor Derrick L. McNeil
Lead Pastor Derrick L. McNeil

Derrick’s Story

I “grew up” in church, accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age, and was baptized shortly afterward. My father passed away when I was nine years old, and my church family became even more instrumental in my life. I served in a variety of roles in my small church. When I was 12 years old, I remember my pastor commenting over the pulpit that I didn’t know it yet, but I was “going to preach.”

I attended Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, where I received a degree in Criminology. While obtaining this degree, I served as a correctional officer for the State of Texas.

I have always had a heart to hear God’s word being spoken, and I read my bible often. It was this part of my life that kept me rooted. After praying for a relationship that would lead to marriage, on October 25, 1992, I met the love of my life, Angela. We married in June of 1994 and started a family in 1996. We have been happily married for almost 30 years and have enjoyed seeing our two daughters grow to adulthood. In 2003, I was alternatively certified as an elementary school teacher. I taught kindergarten, first, and second grades for a total of 12 years. After teaching for a few years, I obtained my Master’s Degree in Counseling from Prairie View A&M University.

I value cultivating personal relationships with God as a priority and discipled my wife to do so as well. My family became members of TheMET Church in 2003. It was here where we were introduced to the relational discipleship model. We grew from being God-centered and others focused spiritual young adults to mature disciple-makers. We served as group leaders and coaches for several years. One evening, in a small group, the question was asked, ‘What has God called you to do that you have not done and why?” At this time, I confessed God had called me to preach and teach His Word. I accepted the Small Groups Pastor position in August 2015 at TheMET Church in Cypress. I was ordained as a minister on April 17, 2016. TheMET Cypress campus branched and became CyLife Church in 2019. I continued serving as the Small Groups and Men’s ministry pastor at CyLife.

I received the call to plant Nations United Church on March 5, 2021. It has been a faithful act of obedience ever since. I came off staff at CyLife Church in August of 2022 and officially became a church planter. I have been extremely blessed to preach and teach God’s Word and to make and send disciples and churches who love, live, and lead like Jesus. I look forward to the journey that lies ahead.

Michael McMahon
Michael McMahon

Associate Minister